
$ luarocks install --server= <name>


  • grapheme by nazrin — downloads: 87
    Binding to libgrapheme, a light and fast Unicode/UTF-8 library
  • iame by nazrin — downloads: 59
    Evals mathematical expressions without actually evaling code
  • LIL by nazrin — downloads: 555
    A comfortable image library for Lua
  • openssh-hash by nazrin — downloads: 102
    Simple FFI binding to OpenSSH hashes, MD5, SHA256, SHA224, SHA512, etc
  • regkex by nazrin — downloads: 1,556
    PCRE2 Regex binding. Aims for a comfortable and fast API while giving access to most advanced features and usecases.
  • sif by nazrin — downloads: 51
    Small Table Loader Sif. Tabs (\t) and newlines (\n) encode tables