Modules labeled 'markdown' (15)

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  • pandocmeta by odkr — downloads: 203
    Convert Pandoc metadata types to a table.
  • Sailor-md by Etiene — downloads: 226
    An extention to Sailor that allows to read markdown
  • lua-markdown-extra by soapdog — downloads: 656
    A rock that is able to process markdown files with metadata
  • commonmark by alerque — downloads: 133
    Lua parser for CommonMark using LPEG grammar
  • discount by craigb — downloads: 3,236
    Lua bindings for the Discount Markdown library
  • Luapress by Fizzadar — downloads: 2,800
    Luapress builds static blogs from markdown files
  • howl by arkt8 — downloads: 60
    Easy documentation helper
  • lua-discount by luarocks — downloads: 19.6k
    Binding to a fast C implementation of the Markdown text-to-html markup system
  • lua-resty-hoedown by bungle — downloads: 1,573
    LuaJIT FFI bindings to Hoedown, a standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C
  • Markdown by mpeterv — downloads: 1.6m
    Markdown text-to-html markup system.
  • Satelito by hs0ucy — downloads: 349
    Static [web] site generator (ssg) made with Lua script.
  • cmark by jgm — downloads: 4,886
    Lua wrapper for libcmark, CommonMark Markdown parsing and rendering library
  • lunamark by jgm — downloads: 3,253
    General markup format converter using lpeg.
  • lcmark by jgm — downloads: 1,771
    A command-line CommonMark converter with flexible features, and a lua module that exposes these features.
  • lualit by gordonb — downloads: 180
    Literate programming for Lua - run code in markdown docs