
JWT for ngx_lua and LuaJIT.

$ luarocks install lua-resty-jwt

This library requires an nginx build
with OpenSSL, the ngx_lua module,
the LuaJIT 2.0, the lua-resty-hmac,
and the lua-resty-string,


0.2.3-04 years ago2,438,037 downloads
0.2.2-04 years ago3,599,639 downloads
0.2.1-04 years ago267 downloads
0.2.0-06 years ago681,808 downloads
0.1.11-06 years ago29,725 downloads
0.1.10-06 years ago697 downloads
0.1.9-06 years ago3,183 downloads
0.1.8-06 years ago64 downloads
0.1.7-06 years ago47 downloads
0.1.6-06 years ago49 downloads
0.1.5-06 years ago1,471 downloads
0.1.4-06 years ago155 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

APIcast, APIOAK, Apache APISIX, auth0-nginx, claims-handler, cmft-base-kong, cmft-kong, edge, gxid-bearer, kong-oidc-auth-akshay, kong-oidc-google-groups, kong-opa-plugin, kong-phantom-token, kong-plugin-jwt-crafter, kong-plugin-jwt-crafter, kong-plugin-jwt-crafter-for-ee, kong-plugin-oauth2-audience, kong-plugin-oidc, kong-plugin-opa, kong-plugin-opa2, kong-plugin-universal-jwt, kong-request-jwt-header, lua-fiware-lib, lua-resty-certificate-sso, lua-resty-gcp, lua-resty-openidc, lua-resty-openidc, lua-resty-phantom-token, magic-apigw, mooncrafts, myauth, mygateway, nginx-lua-oauth2, orange, santoku-resty, stormpath-nginx, upcache, verify-token
