
$ luarocks install --server= <name>


  • argmatcher by gilzoide — downloads: 297
    Simple command line argument matcher for Lua
  • fswatch-ffi by gilzoide — downloads: 34
    LuaJIT FFI and wrapper for libfswatch (
  • hell by gilzoide — downloads: 30
    Hell build system: "to hell with building software!"
  • Lallegro by gilzoide — downloads: 195
    Lua bindings for the Allegro5 game programming library
  • LuaLVM by gilzoide — downloads: 97
    Lua wrapper for the LLVM-C API
  • molde by gilzoide — downloads: 663
    Zero dependency, single file template engine for Lua 5.1+ with builtin sandbox support
  • nested by gilzoide — downloads: 424
    A generic nested data structure textual format
  • nested-cli by gilzoide — downloads: 225
    CLI for Nested data structure textual format
  • stringstream by gilzoide — downloads: 223
    An object that loads chunks of strings on demand compatible with a subset of the Lua string API suitable for parsing
  • wildcard_pattern by gilzoide — downloads: 181
    Library for using shell-like wildcards as string patterns