$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/mah0x211 <name>
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- reusable coroutine module
- redis module for lua
- value reference operation module
- A simple web framework for lua
- simple regular expression module for lua
- change the name of a file.
- RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) parser
- A simple template engine for lua.
- RFC specification based validation modules
- remove a directory file.
- lua-selectex is a helper module for handling variadic arguments.
- kqueue/epoll event module
- session module.
- inserts or resets the environment variable name in the current environment list.
- lua bindings for https://github.com/MersenneTwister-Lab/SFMT
- signal module
- converts the first letter a-z of each word to uppercase.
- tests whether a substring is contained in a string or not.
- additional features to the string module.
- formatted output conversion module with asprintf and snprintf.
- A submodule of the lua-string-format module.
- generate a random string.
- replaces a specified string with another specified string.
- split a string into an array of substrings.
- Verifiable string token module.
- strip the space at both ends of string.
- lua-sync provides basic synchronization primitives
- flatten a table into a table of specified depth.
- a small helper tool to run the test files.
- clock and time functions.
- suspend thread execution for an interval measured in nanoseconds.
- string to boolean conversion module
- string to integer conversion module
- get the elements from the given list.
- url functions
- wait for process termination.
- locate a program file in the user's path.
- this is a polyfill module that provides an xpcall API that allows passing arguments to functions in lua versions less than 5.2.
- xxhash binding
- lua bindings for yyjson.
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