$ luarocks install --server=https://luarocks.org/manifests/jprjr <name>
- An Erlang External Term Format encoder and decoder
- A library for formatting IRC lines
- A library for parsing IRC lines
- A small library for enabling/disabling terminal echo
- A luacov reporter that generates gcovr JSON traces
- A small library for encrypting passwords, similar to crypt(3)
- Lua bindings to libflac
- Lua bindings to libmp3lame
- Lua bindings to libogg
- Lua bindings to libopus
- Run external programs in OpenResty without spawning a shell
- An OpenResty/Luasocket MPD client library
- Lua bindings to libsodium, includes regular and FFI bindings
- Lua library to read and write WAV files, powered by dr_wav
- FLAC decoder based in miniflac
- This is a tool for simulcasting RTMP streams to multiple services.
- Implementation of DJB's netstring for lua
- An authentication server for nginx's http_auth_request module
- Binding to TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
- A multi-platform library for finding the executable name