love Manifest (31)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
Hi there! LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. This manifest is for modules that have a dependency on LÖVE.
- Animation library for [LÖVE](
- A love library for asynchronous background computation
- A simple internationalisation module
- A 3D collision detection library for Lua
- (bjornbytes/cargo) LÖVE asset manager
- Cirno's Perfect Math Library
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- A Kong plugin, that let you use an external Oauth 2.0 provider to protect your API
- A simplification of the Love engine's threading model.
- General purpose 2D collision detection in pure Lua
- A bunch of micromodules made to make easier Lua game development
- Lightweight game development utilities
- (airstruck/knife) A collection of useful micro-modules for Lua.
- LuaJIT access to the Linux procfs
- Make LÖVE games releases easier
- A luarocks <-> love wrapper
- Boolean Expression library for Lua
- Closure based class support for Lua
- UUID generation
- A game-loop centric wrapper module for luasockets
- A collection of functions for Lua, geared towards game development.
- (rxi/lurker) Auto-swaps changed Lua files in a running LÖVE project
- A game programming library with 'DIV Game Studio'-style processes for Lua/Love2D
- RadarChart is a radar/spider chart generator module for LÖVE.
- A repl for LOVE programs
- (tesselode/roomy) Scene management for LÖVE.
- Immediate mode GUI library in pure Lua.
- Graphics scaling library for Love2D.
- A LÖVE library for sharing GPU textures between processes
- Entity Component System for Lua.