root Manifest (4794)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- A wrapper for running love games
- Enhanced f/t motions for leap.nvim
- A Kong plugin to support implementing sessions for auth plugins.
- Healthchecks for OpenResty to check upstream service status
- Lua Kafka client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
- A Lua library for linking with SIESTA
- A tiny Flot plotting library for Lua.
- Lua binding to FLTK, the Fast Light ToolKit
- Filesystems in Lua Userspace.
- A functional Lua extension library
- Lua implementation of Project Fluent
- Interface to the fluidsynth library
- Tools to help create flutter apps in neovim using the native lsp
- Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2
- SHA1/SHA2 digest library
- A small Lua library for generating zipfiles on the fly
- backquote tempalte string.
- Format your Fennel!
- Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids!
- Fancy fold text for Neovim
- A font design testing class for SILE
- create a new process.
- Automatic SSL handling for OpenResty
- HTML form data processing module.
- Cellular automata and geometry in Lua.
- Beautifies Lua code.
- Formatter for Lua 5.1.
- A formatter runner for Neovim.
- encode/decode the multipart/form-data format.
- encode/decode the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
- 🐜 A task runner
- Functional programming library for Lua
- Functional Reactive programming capabilities in Lua.
- A low level binding to the FreeType library.
- A code snapshot plugin using freeze.
- Neovim snippets collection for a set of different programming languages.
- Simple FSM implementation.
- call out from freeswitch.
- filesystem based url router
- Lightweight cmdline fs search.
- obtains information about the file pointed to by the argument.
- String interpolation for Lua.
- LuaJIT FFI and wrapper for libfswatch (
- A fast csv library written in pure Lua
- No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim
- Simple wrapper around luasocket ftp
- Neovim git GUI powered by libgit2
- A Kong plugin for implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) functionality