root Manifest (5,074)
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- Aspect is a powerful Twig/Jinja template engine for Lua / LuaJIT (including OpenResty).
- simple assertion module for lua
- simple assertion module for lua
- a star algorithm
- A statistical computation library for Lua
- NeoVim Colorscheme Persistence
- A love library for asynchronous background computation
- An async framework for Torch (based on LibUV)
- Utilities for callback-style asynchronous Lua
- Execute stuff at \shipout time
- A MOTD Generator
- A Lua web framework (someday... maybe)
- Access values deep inside modules and tables, using path strings.
- Hooks at the very end of a document
- Encode and decode the Au audio file format.
- A library for loading audio based features in torch
- audit-log is a custom plugin made at MyKaarma to generate audit logs whenever a consumer/credential/rate-limit is created/updated/deleted in Kong
- Simple audio processor objects
- A Lua function library to fill your tool set
- An Auth0 + nginx integration
- Auth plugin is a plugin used inside Configr to authenticate via our API.
- Lua port of the Authy API client for Python.
- Kong is a scalable and customizable API Management Layer built on top of Nginx.
- A minimalist Neovim plugin that auto pairs & closes brackets
- Automatically manage hlsearch setting
- The grace of hydraz, contained in your Linux desktop
- Automatically save your changes in NeoVim
- A simple Neovim plugin to autosave
- A small automated session manager for Neovim
- Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE!
- Lua bindings for Avro C library
- A easy by-signal coroutine scheduler for Lua.
- general purpose asynchronous data queue for away
- away driver for luv
- A reliable run-only-once autostart module for Awesome WM
- A UPowerGlib based battery widget for the Awesome WM with a basic widget template mechanism! 🔋
-'s AwesomeWM configuration
- AwesomeWM layout featuring two visible tiled clients
- AwesomeWM library for simplifying key and button bindings
- menu and desktop icons support for Awesome WM
- pop-up apps for awesomewm
- AwesomeWM library for launching clients with single instance IDs
- Awesome WM text widget to display volume which leverages D-Bus PulseAudio interface.
- Scratchpad module for AwesomeWM.
- A declarative API to connect signals for the AwesomeWM.
- AwesomeWM library for managing tags based on viewports