Top Lua modules this week

Top downloaded versions in the past 7 days.

133,665LuaFileSystem 1.8.0-1 by hisham
223,310argparse 0.7.1-1 by argparse
322,932lua-cjson 2.1.0-1 by OpenResty
419,406say 1.4.1-3 by lunarmodules
519,380luassert 1.9.0-1 by lunarmodules
617,940dkjson 2.8-1 by dhkolf
717,538lua-term 0.8-1 by hoelzro
817,168mediator_lua 1.1.2-0 by olivine-labs
917,083lua_cliargs 3.0-2 by lunarmodules
1016,778luasystem 0.4.2-1 by lunarmodules
1114,220busted 2.2.0-1 by lunarmodules
1213,896luacheck 1.2.0-1 by lunarmodules
1312,592penlight 1.14.0-2 by Tieske
1412,343LuaSocket 3.1.0-1 by lunarmodules
1510,995LuaCov 0.15.0-1 by hisham
1610,978lua-resty-jwt 0.2.3-0 by cdbattags
1710,170lua-resty-redis-connector 0.11.0-0 by pintsized
189,758LuaSec 0.9-1 by lunarmodules
199,242lua-resty-http 0.17.2-0 by pintsized
208,960lua-cjson by OpenResty

Top downloaded versions in the past 7 days excluding any that were in last week's top.

18,960lua-cjson by OpenResty
28,765Markdown 0.33-1 by mpeterv
38,708ldoc 1.5.0-1 by lunarmodules
48,672ngx_lua_datadog 0.2.0-1 by sifi_rtb
58,114lua-llthreads2 0.1.6-1 by moteus
66,744busted-hjtest 0.0.5-1 by kong
76,362lua-resty-template 2.0-1 by bungle
86,206bit32 by siffiejoe
96,149LPeg 1.1.0-1 by gvvaughan
105,494plenary.nvim scm-1 by Conni2461
115,044lua-resty-ipmatcher 0.6.1-0 by membphis
125,033net-url 1.1-1 by golgote
134,961lua-resty-jwt 0.2.2-0 by cdbattags
144,809LuaSec 1.3.2-1 by lunarmodules
154,662luarocks-build-treesitter-parser 5.0.0-1 by neorocks
164,574binaryheap 0.4-1 by Tieske
174,453lua-resty-jit-uuid 0.0.7-2 by thibaultcha
184,314lua-resty-cookie 0.1.0-2 by utix
194,308lua-resty-redis 0.27-0 by rafatio
204,191basexx 0.4.1-1 by aiq