Top Lua modules this week

Top downloaded versions in the past 7 days.

184,523lua-circuit-breaker 1.0.2-1 by dream11
255,582lua-resty-jwt 0.2.2-0 by cdbattags
351,453kong-circuit-breaker 2.1.1-1 by dream11
450,640host-interpolate-by-header 1.3.0-1 by dream11
550,635kong-advanced-router 0.2.1-1 by dream11
645,466lua-resty-cookie 0.1.0-2 by utix
738,313kong-traffic-shadowing 1.0.0-1 by dream11
836,228config-by-env 2.2.1-1 by dream11
933,664LuaFileSystem 1.8.0-1 by hisham
1032,877kong-circuit-breaker 2.1.0-1 by dream11
1132,874config-by-env 2.1.0-1 by dream11
1228,450lua-cjson by OpenResty
1324,444argparse 0.7.1-1 by argparse
1421,031say 1.4.1-3 by lunarmodules
1520,963luassert 1.9.0-1 by lunarmodules
1619,672dkjson 2.8-1 by dhkolf
1718,932lua_cliargs 3.0-2 by lunarmodules
1818,830mediator_lua 1.1.2-0 by olivine-labs
1918,822lua-term 0.8-1 by hoelzro
2018,720luasystem 0.4.5-1 by lunarmodules

Top downloaded versions in the past 7 days excluding any that were in last week's top.

117,194busted 2.2.0-1 by lunarmodules
217,100luacheck 1.2.0-1 by lunarmodules
312,793LuaCov 0.16.0-1 by hisham
412,618LuaSocket 3.1.0-1 by lunarmodules
512,347ldoc 1.5.0-1 by lunarmodules
612,118Markdown 0.33-1 by mpeterv
711,619lua-llthreads2 0.1.6-1 by moteus
810,734lua-resty-http 0.17.2-0 by pintsized
910,566penlight 1.14.0-2 by Tieske
1010,504busted-hjtest 0.0.5-1 by kong
1110,195luarocks-build-rust-mlua 0.2.3-1 by khvzak
1210,039lua-reqwest 0.1.1-1 by oowl
139,971luarocks-build-treesitter-parser 6.0.0-1 by neorocks
148,969lua-resty-openssl 1.5.2-1 by fffonion
158,254lua-resty-redis-connector 0.11.0-0 by pintsized
168,019lua-resty-jwt 0.2.3-0 by cdbattags
177,355ngx_lua_datadog 0.2.0-1 by sifi_rtb
185,828bit32 by siffiejoe
194,923basexx 0.4.1-1 by aiq
204,462lua-resty-redis 0.27-0 by rafatio