
Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries

$ luarocks install penlight

Penlight is a set of pure Lua libraries for making it easier to work with common tasks like iterating over directories, reading configuration files and the like. Provides functional operations on tables and sequences.


scm-2dev5 years ago126 downloads
scm-1dev5 years ago458 downloads
1.14.0-2297 days ago497,895 downloads
1.14.0-1312 days ago27,602 downloads
1.13.1-12 years ago1,377,825 downloads
1.13.0-12 years ago317 downloads
1.12.0-22 years ago199,061 downloads
1.12.0-13 years ago79,077 downloads
1.11.0-22 years ago6,717 downloads
1.11.0-13 years ago155,433 downloads
1.10.0-22 years ago2,008 downloads
1.10.0-13 years ago93,149 downloads
1.9.2-22 years ago4,150 downloads
1.9.2-14 years ago529,893 downloads
1.9.1-22 years ago42 downloads
1.9.1-14 years ago1,034 downloads
1.8.1-22 years ago42 downloads
1.8.1-14 years ago1,809 downloads
1.8.0-22 years ago1,664 downloads
1.8.0-14 years ago(revision: 2)39,860 downloads
1.7.0-22 years ago32,219 downloads
1.7.0-15 years ago314,113 downloads
1.6.0-22 years ago1,027 downloads
1.6.0-15 years ago1,106 downloads
1.5.4-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,686,920 downloads
1.5.3-15 years ago(revision: 2)781 downloads
1.5.2-15 years ago(revision: 2)27,995 downloads
1.5.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,686 downloads
1.5.0-15 years ago(revision: 2)280 downloads
1.4.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)78,282 downloads
1.4.0-15 years ago(revision: 2)1,471 downloads
1.3.2-25 years ago(revision: 2)326,071 downloads
1.3.1-15 years ago10,810 downloads
1.2.1-15 years ago(revision: 2)360 downloads
1.1.0-35 years ago730 downloads
1.1.0-25 years ago104 downloads
1.1.0-15 years ago99 downloads
1.0.0-15 years ago1,720 downloads
dev-1dev2 years ago(revision: 2)7,145 downloads
0.9.8-15 years ago27,484 downloads
0.9.5-15 years ago554 downloads
0.9.4-15 years ago98 downloads
0.8-15 years ago164 downloads


Dependency for

AC-LuaServer, amber-apigw, api7-lua-resty-aws, api7-lua-resty-dns-client, APIcast, APIOAK, apisix, arweave, aspect, atlas, busted, busted, busted, busted, busted-tl, Cassowary, ccrunx-compose, cldr, cmft-base-kong, cmft-kong, combustion, commonmark, cwtest, dd-lua-tester, ddt, dns, docroc, dogmac, dogma-core, eaw-abstraction-layer, fauxo, fffonion-busted, fffonion-lua-resty-kafka, fluent, Formatter, FormatterFiveOne, fss, gin, glyphify, homie, homie45, kong, kong, kong-lua-resty-kafka, kong-oidc-google-groups, kRPC, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, ldoc, libssh, llscheck, LuaBehave, luacov-html, luadist2, LuaDocumentor, luagq, luahue, luaish-windows, luaish-windows, luakuroshiro, LuaLoL, luals2dox, luamon, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-aws, lua-resty-dns-client, lua-resty-etcd, lua-resty-gaze, lua-resty-healthcheck, lua-resty-healthcheck-alins, lua-resty-healthcheck-api7, lua-resty-uh, luatbot, luatest, LuaTwit, mocka, moonrocks, multipart, nested-cli, nokia-fork-lua-resty-dns-client, npssdk, orange, pokitdok, rockexp, rockspec2cmake, sile, tlua, trepl-torchless, twrl, wowcig
