
Network support for the Lua language

$ luarocks install luasocket

LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that is composed by two parts: a C core
that provides support for the TCP and UDP transport layers, and a set of Lua
modules that add support for functionality commonly needed by applications
that deal with the Internet.


scm-3dev1 year ago(revision: 4)12,485 downloads
scm-2dev3 years ago2,933 downloads
scm-1dev3 years ago3,054 downloads
3.1.0-12 years ago1,570,754 downloads
3.0.0-13 years ago160,542 downloads
3.0rc1-23 years ago4,056,993 downloads
3.0rc1-13 years ago113,426 downloads
2.0.2-63 years ago32,804 downloads
2.0.2-53 years ago9,709 downloads
2.0.2-43 years ago1,107 downloads
2.0.2-33 years ago601 downloads
2.0.2-23 years ago216 downloads
2.0.2-13 years ago335 downloads
2.0.1-33 years ago405 downloads
2.0.1-23 years ago226 downloads


lua >= 5.1

Dependency for

ads1015, adscaptcha, aghpb, alive, amber-apigw, APIOAK, Apache APISIX, apisix, asyncio, Aurora, bear, bolt, busted, canny-redis, centreon-stream-connectors-lib, CGILua, chaboksms, chatter, chrome-devtools-client, cloud_storage, cloud_storage, cmdbuild, cmft-base-kong, cmft-kong, ConcurrentLua, ConcurrentLua, copas, Copas, Copas, Copas, Copas, copas-ev, cosock, cosy-client, cosy-instance, crescent, cwnu-drcom, danetool, elan, elasticsearch, elasticsearch-lua, elfs, etcd, ftp, gin, haricot, haricot, harpseal, haxe-deps, haxe-deps, hotswap-http, hprose, httpclient, http-digest, http-digest, http_server, ios-icons, ios-icons, ip2location, ip2locationio, ip2proxy, ip2whois, iris, itte, jeejah, JSON4Lua, JSONRPC4Lua, kong, kong, kong-lapis, Kong-LuaSec, kong-plugin-google-recaptcha, Kosmo, kRPC, lapis, leda, lefthook, lluv-qless, lnet, lobby-server-sdk, locky, log4l, Loowy, lsp-lib-socket-provider, lua-acme, lua-anki-connect, lua-aplicado, luacasc, lua-cassandra, lua-complete, lua-consul, lua-deresute, lua-escpos, lua-express, luafather, lua-firebase, lua-firebase, luahue, lua-irc, luairc, lua-jet, luajit-mail, luajls-lfs, lua-jwc, luakube, lua-lcdproc, lualogging, lualogging, LuaLoL, lua-marionette, lua-mastodon, lua-mikrotik, luamqtt, luamqttc, luamqttt, Lua-OcrSpace, lua-openai, luaredis, Lua-ReQL, lua-requests, lua-requests-ng, lua-requests, lua-requests, LuaResolver, lua-resty-moesif, lua-resty-moesif, lua-resty-mysql, lua-resty-s3, LuaSec, LuaSec, LuaSec, LuaSec-fixed, LuaSelenium, LuaService, lua-smtps, luasoap, luasoap, luasocket-async, lua-Spore, lua-Spore, luasql-exasol, LuaStatsd, luastream, Lua-Telegram-Bot, LuaTerminal, LuaTerminalRemote, lua-twitter, lua-websockets, lua-websockets-bit32, lua-wolfram, luaxmlrpc, luaxpl, luaxpl, lua-zabbix-sender, lube, Luchia, Luchia, lumen, lustre, luxure, lyre, mailgun, mail-parser, melipayamak, mexbt, MobDebug, MobDebug, mooncrafts, moonrocks, moonscrape, mpd, multipart-post, multipart-post, nats, Nchan, netcheck, netcheck, OAuth, OAuth, octoflow, OiL, OiL, openai, openai, openrtm, opeth-opeth, orange, otouto-test, ovh-api, payments, pegasus, pegasus, pegasus-mr, perimeterx-nginx-plugin, petrisport, Pijaz SDK, Pijaz-SDK, Pilosa, pop3, pop3, prosody, prosody-libs, pumas, quinku, rcon, ReCaptcha, redis-lua, redis-lua, redis-lua, RemDebug, remotelog, reql, REST, resurfaceio-logger, s3-cjson2, santoku-http, seawolf, sendgrid, sendmail, sendmail, sgp30, sidereal, sile, sitegen, SocialLua, solr, Sputnik, st, statsd, statsd, statsd, tango-complete, tango-complete, tango-copas, tango-copas, tapis, telegram-bot-api, telegram-bot-lua, telegram-bot-lua, tethys, thingsim, tls-mailer, toolbox.lua, twitter, unsplash-lua, uPnPclient, verse, Vert, Vert, visdom, vscode-mobdebug, Web3.lua, web-driver, whetlab, wowcig, wss-lua, wtf-fork-lua-resty-redis, Xavante, Xavante, yoke
