root Manifest (1638)
This page lists modules in the manifest that contain
development versions. See the complete list of modules on the main root
manifest page.
$ luarocks install --server= <name>
- LuaJIT FFI Bindings for libevdev.
- XML Expat parsing
- A lua wrapper for exprtk (C++ Mathematical Expression Parsing And Evaluation Library)
- Easy zlib module for Lua
- A set of Lua bindings for the Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) library
- LZ77 lossless data compression for Lua
- Lua wrapper for Telegram Bot API
- FastCGI Binding for Lua
- FFI library for calling C functions from Lua
- File System Library for the Lua Programming Language
- Reimplement luafilesystem via LuaJIT FFI.
- A Firebase modules in Lua
- A fmtlib implement for Lua
- Reformats your Lua source code.
- A Lua interface to the Libgcrypt library
- Google Drive access module for lua.
- LibGit2 bindings for Lua.
- (sumneko/lua-glob) glob and gitignore pattern matchers for lua
- glTF loader
- Call gozerian runtime from nginx/openresty
- An implementation of the Haml markup language for Lua.
- Lua bindings for the Harfbuzz text shaping library
- Lua hashing library providing a variety of cryptographic hashs and related hash function
- A Lua binding to Ryan Dahl's http request/response parser.
- Lua binding to the iconv
- A logging framework adding simple, powerful and reliable logs to any Lua application
- Portable binding for various IPC mechanisms.
- IRC library for Lua - HEAD.
- LuaJIT bindings to MaxMind GeoIP library
- JSON encoding/decoding module for Lua
- A Lua module for JSON
- customizable JSON decoder/encoder
- Lace is a simple access control engine modelled on Squid's acl syntax.
- LCDproc client for Lua
- A Lua interface to the OpenLDAP library
- A pure lua ID3v2 library.
- An interface to the libmemcached C client.
- Lua bindings for PulseAudio's libpulse, using the GLib Main Loop.
- Lua Binding for libsox
- Lua libusb binding
- A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
- A linker for lua code.
- Literate programming for Lua - run code in markdown docs
- Low-Level network for Lua
- Low-Level threads for Lua
- Low-Level threads for Lua
- Low-Level threads for Lua