LuaRocks is the package manager for Lua modules.

It allows you to create and install Lua modules as self-contained packages called rocks. You can download and install LuaRocks on Unix and Windows. Get started

LuaRocks is free software and uses the same license as Lua.

Recent Modules

(View all) (Recent versions)
  • sos.nvim by tmillr — downloads: 4
    Never manually save/write a buffer again! An autosaver plugin for Neovim.
  • tree-sitter-gren by neorocks — downloads: 37
    tree-sitter parser and Neovim queries for gren
  • djon by xriss — downloads: 3
  • homie45 by Tieske — downloads: 3
    Homie bridge for Homie 4 devices to Homie 5
  • hyprlua by cacarico — downloads: 4
    A CLI tool for generating Hyprland configurations using Lua.

Most Downloaded

(This week)

View Modules by Labels

audio, authentication, awesome, aws, base-n, batteries, bitwise, commandline, compression, crypto, database, datastructure, dbus, debug, dns, doc, email, event, feed, ffi, filesystem, game, git, gui, haml, html, http, i18n, image, ini, irc, jit, json, lapis, lint, linux, logs, love, lpeg, markdown, math, messagepack, metalua, mjolnir, moonscript, mpi, network, object, openresty, posix, redis, regexp, rocks, search, serialization, spreadsheet, statemachine, strict, template, test, threads, time, torch, unicode, web, wiki, windows, wsapi, xml, yaml, zeromq

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Quick Start

Installing LuaRocks in a Unix system:

$ wget
$ tar zxpf luarocks-3.11.1.tar.gz
$ cd luarocks-3.11.1
$ ./configure && make && sudo make install
$ sudo luarocks install luasocket
$ lua
Lua 5.3.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2018, PUC-Rio
> require "socket"

On Windows? Installation instructions for Windows.

Contributing Modules

Anyone can upload and host Lua modules.

Register an account and upload a .rockspec to create a new module. If your module name is not taken it will be added to the root manifest.

After you have uploaded a .rockspec, you can upload .rock files for a specific version by going to the version’s page. Rock files ensure that your module will be installable as long as this site is up.

The most recent version of LuaRocks supports uploading modules with the upload command:

$ luarocks upload my_thing-1.0-1.rockspec

For older LuaRocks installations, you can use moonrocks:

$ luarocks install moonrocks
$ moonrocks upload my_thing-1.0-1.rockspec

Read more on the About Page.